Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Wishes 2011 myspace graphic comments
Christmas Wishes From Our Home To Yours

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

Sending wishes for everyone on this Thanksgiving day! We have been watching Game Show Network today. They are having the Deal or No Deal marathon. We have seen one woman win a million dollars. Little Eddie is playing games on the computer while Devin is looking up Lego instructions to different sets. He likes to recreate some of them. Husband is napping while I clean house and cook duck for Thanksgiving. Will have pictures of our meal up sometime later. Hope that you will all join me then. Hope that all your Thanksgiving fun is blessed with safety. Enjoy your day with your family and friends. From our house to yours...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Out For Thanksgiving

College students are finally out for Thanksgiving holidays. I have to admit that I am glad. We had to turn in a comparison/contrast essay in English Composition I. I was up late writing it, because I had changed my mind on what I was going to do it on. Finals are coming up as well, and will be the second week of December. Classes officially end the week before. Most of my tests will be during the regular class period anyways. My Psychology test will be on a different day though. Everyone's schedule is different; however, mine pretty much stays the same. Online classes can take their tests early during the week we are out for Thanksgiving. I have really enjoyed my classes this year which were: Intermediate Algebra, Eng. Comp. I, Macroeconomics, and Psychology I. Next semester I will be taking: College Algebra, Principles of Macro Apps, Eng. Comp. II, and Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. For those who do not know my major, I am going into Medical Health Technologies. This is like coding or medical building. Anyways, I thought that I would give you an update on life like I normally do every once in a while. I am hoping that I will learn to get into this blog more often. I have just been so busy or either without an internet connection. Happy Thanksgiving Week to all of you!!

Thanksgiving Myspace Graphics

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Update:Getting Sick?

Looks like sick weather is here again. Sometime late yesterday afternoon, I started having a sore throat. I am not running any fever though, and hopefully I will not. If I did have the fever, then I would be feeling really bad. Sometimes when I wake up my throat will feel sore, but it will usually go away after a few hours. Today however, that is not the case. I have a book to read for English Comp. I., but I really do not feel like reading it at the moment. I am also needing to clean the house some. If you have not been reading my autism blog, I started college this fall. I am going for Health Information Technologies. The boys are doing fine. They are 8 and 10 now, and growing as always. They will be taller than me before I know it. Well, I guess that I will be going now and getting some kind of rest, depending on what all I need to get done.

Have a great evening, and thanks for visiting.

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