Thursday, December 17, 2009

Feeling Down

Well, I am not feeling to spiffy today. I am wondering about my autism blog. I still have a page rank of 0, and I am beginning to feel like it's not even worth having. I can not write like I use to, and writing about autism is not easy for me. I do not know what I should be writing about. I only get about 20 visitors a day, and that is very discouraging. I just do not have the skills that others do on their blogs. I do not know why I am so worked up over it, but I am. I wish someone would tell me what is wrong with it, and why Google seems to hate it. I am not even sure if I think that it is worth a page rank. I need some cheering up and advice on how to make it better. I just do not want to keep thinking that I have failed to make something of the blog. I am sorry for all of this, but I just feel terrible about it.

The boys are still doing good, and they are ready to be out of school for the Christmas holidays. We will be picking up their Christmas presents from The Angel Tree tomorrow. I had put down bicycles for them, and I am hoping that I get two of them. If not, then we may have an upset child. It would be February before I could even buy an extra one. I really hope that they are ready to ride one. Of course, we will have training wheels on them. I just wanted to see if they could ride one yet. I think that Devin will have a better chance of balance than Eddie would. Devin has a Razor scooter that he can fly on, however Eddie can not ride it without a balance issue. He does not get on it much, but when he does, he is very cautious. Guess that is all I have to say for now. Hope you all have a great day!! Today is December 17, 2009. I always forget to say that.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

99 Year Old Book Returned To Mass. Library

After fining a book in his mothers things, Stanley Dudek decided to return it to the library because he thought that was the right thing to do. The book was called "Facts I Ought to Know about the Government of He returned the book to New Bedford Public Library in Massachusetts. It would be nice to go and see the book at the display. You would be lucky to see it if you lived in the area or were traveling. The 99 year old book was returned to a Massachusetts library and was not required to pay the $361.35 fine. What a find!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just Saying

Again I find myself not posting everyday. I am sorry. We are all getting ready for Christmas break from school. Husband is still waiting for his mid term grades to be posted. He is very anxious about it. He is out of school now and the boys will be out at the end of the week. I will be glad to have them home.

The boys are learning how to tie their shoes. They are practicing very hard. Devin seems to be a little more coordinated I think. I have not seen Eddie do it much, so I am not sure about his progress. Devin was able once he concentrated enough. I am very proud of both of them. ?They have come so far.

One thing that I am not looking forward to is housing inspections. We have them every three months where we live. So for an entire month my house had to be perfectly clean (everywhere) until they inspect. They give one month, but no specific date which just heightens my stress level. Everyone in the neighborhood thinks that it is ridiculous to have it every three months. With the way our family lives, cleaning is a constant taks day in and day out. I will be glad when the day will come where I do not have to have the anxiety that comes with it. One of these days, I will live in my own home away from inspections.

I have not seen my therapist in a long time. I will be glad to go back. I know that she is wondering about me. I still have not gotten used to her after a year, so I get nervous and anti-social sometimes. I had once filled out an ADHD survey (this is an example) that they used to diagnose the condition. I honestly believe that I failed it terribly. She told me that I had over-rated myself and she did not see me that way. My doctor thought otherwise. Even though I have medicine, it still does not help with what I call attention problems. I mean really who knows me better than husband. We have always agreed on my issues with myself. I have been through everything that you can imagine, and I survived. Ok, just letting off some steam. I did make this my journal after all.

Thank you all for reading and I hope that you do not think I am crazy. LOL...really I am not.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Trouble With Blog Not Loading

From time to time, bloggers have problems with their blogs. I recently had trouble with it not loading all of the way. It would stop at a certain point and quit. After looking around for a while I did find one's answer to where you HAD to remove all widgets (even the ones from blogger) and reinstall them one at a time. Luckily I found the one I was looking for, and was able to fix it. Also I recommend that you reinstall your template as well, or just use one from blogger.

I have to admit that I was getting worried about it, before I ended up fixing it about 9:30 last night. Today is December10, 2009. I was getting anxious about it after about dealing with the problem for about 5 hours. I just did not know yet what was going on. I had googled the problem and came back with one good answer. I was lucky to find it.

I thought that I would do this post to have more of an explanation on to what exactly happened to me and how I fixed the problem. I thank God for my wisdom on this one.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Need Car Insurance

I came across a website about car insurance, and I thought that I would share it with you. With all the bills Americans are paying, everyone could use some cheaper car insurance. has affordable rates for every budget need. They have top car insurance providers including Allstate, Progressive, and Geiko to choose from. You can save from $50.00 to $ 500.00 on your car insurance. They recognize most of the safety programs that come with car insurance. Say you took a course in driving, then you can be eligible for a discount on your insurance quote. Teens can have their insurance as well at affordable prices. Problems with fault/no-fault ? They can help you with that as well. Even if you had your car stolen or pieces stolen off of it, you have no worries because now you can be covered for that as well.

Give this website a try and see how much money you can save on your car insurance today. There has been so many times when I wish I had car insurance at the time. Now we have no excuse in not getting any. Having liability, collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, theft and no fault policies sound pretty good to me. Most states require you to have liability, so get on over there and see how much you can save today. If nothing else, just see what you can save today.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Get Well Devin

Poor Devin is home sick today. The school brought him home on a bus since we do not actually have a phone. He said that his medicine had made him sick. He takes Straterra for is ADHD. Then again, I am not sure if that is the case. It usually does not make him sick. He is laying down on the couch getting ready to take a nap. The boys seem to do that only when they are sick and do not feel good. Devin is my sickly one. I feel so bad for him so I thought that I would give him this picture. He is my teddy bear baby. Hope that you feel better soon son. Mommy loves you!! myspace graphic comments

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Busy Day

Well, today is December 5, 2009 and it has been a very busy day. It is only noon now, and the boys are already jumping all over the place today. Husband had woke me up about 4:15 this morning, and Devin followed about an hour later. I have got the boys watching He-Man from the 1980's, so I am able to get at least something wrote today. I put pictures of Devin's gingerbread house up on my other blog a few minutes ago, so maybe you would like to go see it. He had made it at school yesterday.

Everything has been pretty quiet around here lately. I am still not sure what we will do for Christmas. I am not sure if we will be able to make to families houses this year or not. With the economy the way it is, and my husband still in school we do not get to travel much. Every penny is already spent, so some things just have to wait.

I heard from my Aunt yesterday, and was glad that she was doing alright. Not to long ago she lost a grandson in a train accident. It has been hard on the family, but we have learn to accept what has happened.

Well, my time is running out and I have to go chase down a kid. Hope that you all have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Morning

I have to say that I am officially bored today. Not much is going on in the autism world, so I thought that I would come over here and do something. I am mostly waiting for this afternoon, because we have to go to town today. I could be cleaning up the house a little, but I am not even wanting to do that. It has not exactly been my morning. Eddie was hard to get dressed this morning, as he was wanting to act goofy and hardheaded. I put some pictures of the boys thanksgiving drawings on my autism blog, so you can go over there and see them there. It was cold this morning, and everything was frozen. It should warm up a little in the next few days though. I always hated the cold weather. We are expecting some more rain as well. Guess that I will be looking for a pediatric allergist for the boys soon. I need to have them tested for food allergies, because I have them as well. We are thinking that peanuts may be a problem for Eddie. Finding a doctor has not been that easy. I guess that I will have to ask around to find one. Guess that is all I have for right now. See you all again soon. Today is December 1, 2009.

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