Today is the first day of Spring, and also my Uncle Bobby's birthday. Happy birthday Uncle Bobby! Hope that you have a wonderful day today! You were the lucky one this year by having the frist day of Spring on your birthday. Sometimes it is on mine which is tomorrow. Being 30? Up the hill I make my way, with the little ones taging behind me. We have had a great spring break. We really did not do much except for watching t.v., playing games, riding bikes and scooters outside. Last weekend was not a very good one thought. We had rain and a few cloudy days which made the weather a little cool to be going out to play. If it is not warm, I really do not want to go outside. I really dislike the cold weather. Spring and Fall would be my favorite months since it is neither to cold or to hot to be outside. I have been really busy cleaning the house up, or at least trying. I may be able to finish it today. We are having monthly housekeeping inspections again in April, so I really have to be on the ball about keeping it cleaned. I have a lot of trouble getting the other family members to keep their things picked up as much as possible. I am trying to get the kids to realize that they need to keep their toys to a limit, but I am not having much luck. I am really going to have to enforce the need for them to start helping around the house; even if it is just their toys that happens to be all over the floor in every room. Well, I guess that I will be going so I can get things finished up here and start working on the house...again!!
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