Have you ever searched your name on the computer to see what you will find out. I bet you would be amazed at all the places that your name shows up on. Try it out and see what you can come up with. That is why on my other blog, Autism and The World Around Me, I put in a text box saying who I was looking for. Then when someone searched either one of their names, I came up as well. That is how she had found me. Awesome I think.
We had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day, and my husband would also wear green on this day. WOW never thought that he would do that one. We saw a lot of green that day, and I even got a gift box from Izea. It had a t-shirt in it, with other goodies. Thanks for the present Izea. It was so filled up with lots of green things and I enjoyed hanging the necklaces in my house. LOL.
We are still waiting on glasses for us to see. I hope that we will get them soon. These contacts are really bothering me, so therefore, I am impatient and wanting them today... guess I'll have to wait though. The boys are coloring velvet pictures that their case manager brought them this morning. I am enjoying the quiet time while I think to write.
I caught a video of Devin riding his scooter the other day, and I was amazed at the pattern of riding that he had. He would do the same thing over and over again. Silly boy!!
Well, the kids are about done coloring so I guess I'll get going as well. Hope you have a great day and come back soon.
Love you all,

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