There are many approaches when it comes to the causes of autism. Is it vaccines, environmental, a "total overload", or genetics? This book takes a look at all of the possibilities that is backed by support from numerous scientific literatures. Removing toxins and allergens, adding nutrients to the rid the body of toxins, and buying dye-free medications is a start. Adding a special diet can be productive in changing an over sensitive person reactions.
Various therapies that are explained include vision therapy since more and more optometrists are seeing patients with autism spectrum disorders who can have significant vision problems. The book explains how an optometrist can help an autistic person, by using lenses and probing. Adding other therapies as well will aid in the productivity of living life with autism spectrum disorders.
This book is the perfect addition and will help explain autism spectrum disorders, their symptoms, and treatment options to you. I have really enjoyed reading this book, because there is so much reliable information that you will need to take notes when reading. I hope that you will purchase this book as a guide to autism spectrum disorders, their causes, and treatment options. Happy reading and I will end with a quote from Patricia Lemer:
"Human function is incredibly complex because the various senses are interrelated. When an environmental impact (perhaps food dyes, heavy metals like mercury, or dairy in the case of a food allergy) impairs one of the senses, a domino effect occurs, which impairs other senses. a clear example of this is when babies have ear infections. This infection ( and the drugs used to treat it) can disturb the vestibular system in the inner ear (which controls balance). The vestibular system works with language center of the brain that control the eyes, the part of the brain that controls emotion (the lymbic system), as well as the digestive tract. So, this environmental impact (additives, heavy metals, allergens) can lead to problems in any of these areas: hearing, vision, emotions understanding, speaking and the ability to pay attention."
Please check out Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc. as well.

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