Baked Steak
2 or 3 inch sirloin or porterhouse steak
olive oil
lemon juice
2 tablespoons catchup
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 diced onion
salt and pepper
mushrooms (optional), but I love them
Rub the steak all over both sides with olive oil, lemon juice, and catchup. Lay it in a shallow pan ( I use glass) and cover with the Worcestershire sauce, onion and bits of butter. Bake it 20 minutes at 375 degrees, basting several times (re-coating the meat with drippings). Do not turn it. Eight minutes until it's done, mushrooms may be added. When done, salt and pepper it and lift on to a hot platter. Put butter in the pan, scrape out all the drippings and pour over the steak. As for a meal you can serve it with french fried onions, and mashed potatoes.
I thought that I would add the steak sauce as well.
Steak Sauce
2 tablespoons minced shallots or green onion
1/2 cup red wine
salt and pepper
1/2 teaspoon beef extract
1/4 cup broth or boiling water
2 teaspoons mustard
2 tablespoons butter
Simmer the shallots or onions in the wine for 5 or 6 minutes until reduced to about half. Add all the other ingredients and use with that wonderful steak you made.

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