My husband has created a video he calls, "Transformer Nemisis Tribute." He has always loved the Transformers ever since he was a child. It was 2000 when he bought his first collecting Transformer. He bought Optimus Prime, just before my oldest son was born. He said that he will pass his collection to them. The collection has grown to over 200 figures in and out of boxes that fill our lovely bedroom. He is also into collecting videos of Transformers T.V. shows. His favorite characters are Star Saber and Dethzaurus from Transformers Victory, a Japanese cartoon. The entire family including myself have grown to love them as well. We would really appreciate if you would watch his "Transformer Nemisis Tribute" video. He is very excited to be on You Tube and would like to see more views. The video works well with the music and he did a great job, plus there is already more in the making. You are always allowed to add comments here as well. Thanks for watching!!!
I'm 33 years old and a mother of two autistic and ADHD boys. They are in the public school system, and are doing very excellent in school.I am a college student majoring in Health Information Technologies with a minor in Medical Transcription.
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I loved the Transformers when I was a kid. They are still kind of fascinating.
Visit his channel at negasaber1979.
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