Thursday, December 17, 2009

Feeling Down

Well, I am not feeling to spiffy today. I am wondering about my autism blog. I still have a page rank of 0, and I am beginning to feel like it's not even worth having. I can not write like I use to, and writing about autism is not easy for me. I do not know what I should be writing about. I only get about 20 visitors a day, and that is very discouraging. I just do not have the skills that others do on their blogs. I do not know why I am so worked up over it, but I am. I wish someone would tell me what is wrong with it, and why Google seems to hate it. I am not even sure if I think that it is worth a page rank. I need some cheering up and advice on how to make it better. I just do not want to keep thinking that I have failed to make something of the blog. I am sorry for all of this, but I just feel terrible about it.

The boys are still doing good, and they are ready to be out of school for the Christmas holidays. We will be picking up their Christmas presents from The Angel Tree tomorrow. I had put down bicycles for them, and I am hoping that I get two of them. If not, then we may have an upset child. It would be February before I could even buy an extra one. I really hope that they are ready to ride one. Of course, we will have training wheels on them. I just wanted to see if they could ride one yet. I think that Devin will have a better chance of balance than Eddie would. Devin has a Razor scooter that he can fly on, however Eddie can not ride it without a balance issue. He does not get on it much, but when he does, he is very cautious. Guess that is all I have to say for now. Hope you all have a great day!! Today is December 17, 2009. I always forget to say that.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

99 Year Old Book Returned To Mass. Library

After fining a book in his mothers things, Stanley Dudek decided to return it to the library because he thought that was the right thing to do. The book was called "Facts I Ought to Know about the Government of He returned the book to New Bedford Public Library in Massachusetts. It would be nice to go and see the book at the display. You would be lucky to see it if you lived in the area or were traveling. The 99 year old book was returned to a Massachusetts library and was not required to pay the $361.35 fine. What a find!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just Saying

Again I find myself not posting everyday. I am sorry. We are all getting ready for Christmas break from school. Husband is still waiting for his mid term grades to be posted. He is very anxious about it. He is out of school now and the boys will be out at the end of the week. I will be glad to have them home.

The boys are learning how to tie their shoes. They are practicing very hard. Devin seems to be a little more coordinated I think. I have not seen Eddie do it much, so I am not sure about his progress. Devin was able once he concentrated enough. I am very proud of both of them. ?They have come so far.

One thing that I am not looking forward to is housing inspections. We have them every three months where we live. So for an entire month my house had to be perfectly clean (everywhere) until they inspect. They give one month, but no specific date which just heightens my stress level. Everyone in the neighborhood thinks that it is ridiculous to have it every three months. With the way our family lives, cleaning is a constant taks day in and day out. I will be glad when the day will come where I do not have to have the anxiety that comes with it. One of these days, I will live in my own home away from inspections.

I have not seen my therapist in a long time. I will be glad to go back. I know that she is wondering about me. I still have not gotten used to her after a year, so I get nervous and anti-social sometimes. I had once filled out an ADHD survey (this is an example) that they used to diagnose the condition. I honestly believe that I failed it terribly. She told me that I had over-rated myself and she did not see me that way. My doctor thought otherwise. Even though I have medicine, it still does not help with what I call attention problems. I mean really who knows me better than husband. We have always agreed on my issues with myself. I have been through everything that you can imagine, and I survived. Ok, just letting off some steam. I did make this my journal after all.

Thank you all for reading and I hope that you do not think I am crazy. LOL...really I am not.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Trouble With Blog Not Loading

From time to time, bloggers have problems with their blogs. I recently had trouble with it not loading all of the way. It would stop at a certain point and quit. After looking around for a while I did find one's answer to where you HAD to remove all widgets (even the ones from blogger) and reinstall them one at a time. Luckily I found the one I was looking for, and was able to fix it. Also I recommend that you reinstall your template as well, or just use one from blogger.

I have to admit that I was getting worried about it, before I ended up fixing it about 9:30 last night. Today is December10, 2009. I was getting anxious about it after about dealing with the problem for about 5 hours. I just did not know yet what was going on. I had googled the problem and came back with one good answer. I was lucky to find it.

I thought that I would do this post to have more of an explanation on to what exactly happened to me and how I fixed the problem. I thank God for my wisdom on this one.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Need Car Insurance

I came across a website about car insurance, and I thought that I would share it with you. With all the bills Americans are paying, everyone could use some cheaper car insurance. has affordable rates for every budget need. They have top car insurance providers including Allstate, Progressive, and Geiko to choose from. You can save from $50.00 to $ 500.00 on your car insurance. They recognize most of the safety programs that come with car insurance. Say you took a course in driving, then you can be eligible for a discount on your insurance quote. Teens can have their insurance as well at affordable prices. Problems with fault/no-fault ? They can help you with that as well. Even if you had your car stolen or pieces stolen off of it, you have no worries because now you can be covered for that as well.

Give this website a try and see how much money you can save on your car insurance today. There has been so many times when I wish I had car insurance at the time. Now we have no excuse in not getting any. Having liability, collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, theft and no fault policies sound pretty good to me. Most states require you to have liability, so get on over there and see how much you can save today. If nothing else, just see what you can save today.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Get Well Devin

Poor Devin is home sick today. The school brought him home on a bus since we do not actually have a phone. He said that his medicine had made him sick. He takes Straterra for is ADHD. Then again, I am not sure if that is the case. It usually does not make him sick. He is laying down on the couch getting ready to take a nap. The boys seem to do that only when they are sick and do not feel good. Devin is my sickly one. I feel so bad for him so I thought that I would give him this picture. He is my teddy bear baby. Hope that you feel better soon son. Mommy loves you!! myspace graphic comments

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Busy Day

Well, today is December 5, 2009 and it has been a very busy day. It is only noon now, and the boys are already jumping all over the place today. Husband had woke me up about 4:15 this morning, and Devin followed about an hour later. I have got the boys watching He-Man from the 1980's, so I am able to get at least something wrote today. I put pictures of Devin's gingerbread house up on my other blog a few minutes ago, so maybe you would like to go see it. He had made it at school yesterday.

Everything has been pretty quiet around here lately. I am still not sure what we will do for Christmas. I am not sure if we will be able to make to families houses this year or not. With the economy the way it is, and my husband still in school we do not get to travel much. Every penny is already spent, so some things just have to wait.

I heard from my Aunt yesterday, and was glad that she was doing alright. Not to long ago she lost a grandson in a train accident. It has been hard on the family, but we have learn to accept what has happened.

Well, my time is running out and I have to go chase down a kid. Hope that you all have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Morning

I have to say that I am officially bored today. Not much is going on in the autism world, so I thought that I would come over here and do something. I am mostly waiting for this afternoon, because we have to go to town today. I could be cleaning up the house a little, but I am not even wanting to do that. It has not exactly been my morning. Eddie was hard to get dressed this morning, as he was wanting to act goofy and hardheaded. I put some pictures of the boys thanksgiving drawings on my autism blog, so you can go over there and see them there. It was cold this morning, and everything was frozen. It should warm up a little in the next few days though. I always hated the cold weather. We are expecting some more rain as well. Guess that I will be looking for a pediatric allergist for the boys soon. I need to have them tested for food allergies, because I have them as well. We are thinking that peanuts may be a problem for Eddie. Finding a doctor has not been that easy. I guess that I will have to ask around to find one. Guess that is all I have for right now. See you all again soon. Today is December 1, 2009.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, today is the first day back to school for everyone in my family. I hope that they are enjoying their day, but I know that they rather be home. I guess that I am having a good day. I am not really doing a whole lot today, except for cleaning up the house. Which I need to be doing right now. LOL. I did get around to congratulating my Entrecard droppers for the month of November on my autism blog. I need to put one over here on this page, but I am not sure when I will get that done. Entrecard is a place where you can advertise your website on another person's website. There are many great websites to advertise on. The people are so nice, and there are websites of all kinds. So go on over and join today. Well, I guess that is all I have to say for now.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Getting Ready For Thanksgiving Day 2009

We are getting ready for Thanksgiving Day. We will be home for the day. Not sure if we will have any visitors, but you never know. Husband will be taking a plate to a friend and spend some time with him. He wanted to leave before noon, so I have to have everything done by then. He suggested that I wake up at 5:00 am. Oh dear, and he will wake me up. On the day after Thanksgiving, we will be putting up our Christmas tree. I noticed two trees up already in our neighborhood, and it is not even Thanksgiving yet. I found that very odd. Guess that I will be back tomorrow to let you know what we had on the menu, so see you all tomorrow. By the way, today is November 25, 2009.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Feeling Terrible

I am not feeling to great today. My side is hurting again, and I just feel terrible. Devin woke up about three this morning, so It will be a long day for us. We tried to get him to go back to bed, but he would not have that one. He has been waking up very early here lately, and I wish that I could break him from that.

Husband and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary yesterday. We did not do a whole lot that day. We pretty much just stayed home with the boys, and saw my mother in law and brother in law. Husband went out and bought catfish, but we never got it cooked.

I really like graphics in my blog and I found this little butterfly. I thought that it was pretty neat.
See, check it out!!

Hope that you all have a wonderful day and hopefully I will start feeling better soon. I can not be sick all day, I have a house to clean sometime. Today is November 24, 2009. Since it does not print the day on my template.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Upset and Getting in Trouble

Today is November 19, 2009.

Eddie got upset tonight because we could not beat a certain part of a game that he was playing. I felt so sorry for he. All he wanted to do was get past this one car that he had to destroy. He was really whinny and was just upset all together. He finally gave up on playing and went to lay down on the couch. He was falling asleep, so I put him in the bed. Yep, I still carry an 80 pound boy to bed every now and then. He told me that he did not want to be in bed, but he stayed and went back to sleep.

Devin is still awake and playing with a Capri Sun juice pouch. Now he is climbing on the washer again today. Yep he is stealing the juices for their school snacks. Little stinker he is. When he was a child (about one), he would steal anything right out from under your nose. Funny thing one day he was over at a friends house when he was three and I had taken cars away from him since we were about to leave. I had given them back to the mom, and got Devin back in the car to leave. I had noticed that the cars were in his hands...again. I took them back to her again, and she said, "Did you not just give these to me?" I said, "Yes, Devin can steal anything out from under your nose so you have to watch him closely."

Husband and I were in town again today taking care of business. We did the usual things that we do everyday. So it was not much.

The boys and husband will be out of school next week, so I do not know how much I will get done on blogging. They will be taking the computer up probably. I am not sure what we will be doing for Thanksgiving. Probably stay home and cook a turkey and a few ducks. We really like duck. Has a great flavor.

Well, guess that I will be going since I need to get Devin in the bed. Have a great night.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Peaceful Day

Guess we had a peaceful day today. My husband and I were in town today taking care of business. It was nice to get out of the house for awhile. We had breakfast at McDonald's. It was not that great though. I really hate our McDonald's in this town. We have four of them, and everything about the stores makes me want to run away. No wonder why no one was there when we went. We came home and watched T.V. on the computer and messed with our Transformer toy collection. My husband loves to collect them, and they have grown on me as well. He had went to bed a little early. His is typically a night owl. The boys are doing good tonight for the most part. Eddie is standing in a chair and Devin is on top of the washer. Eddie is being quite talkative, and Devin is being quiet as he gets into things that he does not need to be getting in to. It is almost time for bed and I am glad that our day is ending. I cleaned up the house since it really needed to be done. Cleaning six rooms a day and everyday really wears me out. I am glad that I got it done tonight so that I will not have much to do tomorrow. Well, guess that I will be going. I still have not had dinner, and the boys need to go to bed so that they can get up tomorrow for school.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Day Today

Today is Nov. 17, 2009 I have not been doing much lately, except for wishing I had some more readers for my autism blog. The boys did well waking up this morning to get ready for school. Devin was awake at 4:00 am, and Eddie was not so hard to get up. Usually he is. I feel good today so no complaints here. I was looking for some cool signature websites where I can get the HTML codes, but I really did not find anything. I asked my friend Dhemz, so maybe she can help me out on that one. I will let you know once I find out for myself. It is almost time for everyone to come home from school. I am really hoping that it will be a peaceful afternoon. Well, hope that you all have a good day and I will see you all later.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What I Am Doing

Today is November 12, 2009. I did not get to write yesterday because I had the boys home for their doctors appointment. Just before we had to leave, I became sick with a pain in my side. I do have a kidney stone on the left side there, but this pain was lower than a stone pain would be. Not sure what the problem was so to be sure that it was not, I dragged myself to the doctor and waited five hours for absolutely nothing. I do not take those kinds of pains lightly. I have been living with stones for eight years now, and I have to say that I am getting really tired of having them. I am not looking forward to having it removed either. It will first have to be obstructing the passage before they will even think about taking it out. Two or so years ago, I had surgery to remove the one on the right side. I kept it about four or five years before it festered up and started causing problems. I had a lot of infection to deal with so they put in a stent and gave me antibiotics for two months straight. Having a stent for a month was not pleasant. I still felt horrible, and it seems that I could feel it from time to time.

Husband has bronchitis and has been feeling terrible as well. Hopefully he will start getting better soon. I am afraid that this will be a bad year for us on colds and the flu. Some years, we do not get sick, but others we catch something every month and it usually hits everyone as well.

Before I forget, I wanted to mention some news that I found out over the summer. I was at the doctor for my arthritis and blah feeling, and I asked to be tested for food allergies. Come to find out I was allergic to corn, peanuts, and soybean oil. WOW, who would have ever thought that one. If I eat to much of any of them, I will swell up in the stomach apprehending my breathing as well. I have a question on the soybean oil part though. If they told my soybean oil, then does that mean just soybean oil or anything with soybeans in it?

I guess that I will be cleaning the house again today. I will probably get started when I finish this post. I have some picking up to do and a few dishes to wash. Wish I had a dishwasher!! I am hoping that it does not take to long. I am not a big fan of cleaning house, but I do not just let it go. We have house keeping inspections every three months. I really hate those times. You never know when the landlord will come and inspect, so for an entire month you have to keep your house cleaned to the T every second of everyday. With my family that is very difficult to do. I clean six rooms top to bottom everyday, so you can imagine how long that takes me. Yep, ALL DAY LONG!!

Well, I guess that I will be getting started on that, so goodbye and I hope that you have a wonderful day.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Day

I am late on writing today November 10, 2009. My husband has been home from school sick today. He has the flu or something. He is in bed asleep now. Devin made it to the couch and fell asleep. Eddie is supposed to be doing homework, but decides to read what I am typing. After he gets done with homework I am hoping that he will get to bed. I did not do a whole lot today. I pretty much waited on emails to come hoping that it would give me something to talk about. Now that I think about it they have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and they will not be able to go to school. I am just hoping that he will give up soon and go to bed so that I can as well. He is wanting to finish this game first before he does go. Wish that I just could get him to go. He can be difficult at times, but he is a good kid. I never did finish the house today, but it does not look that bad. Well, guess that I will get this posted and try to get that boy to bed.
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Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm Back

Well, I have enjoyed my first day back blogging. I have been gone for eight months now, and I am happy to be back. Today is Nov. 9, 2009 in case my post does not show the date. Having some blogging issues with my page elements page. It's not showing up anything on the left side of the screen on one blog. This one is having problems as well. Guess that it is a blogger thing. I took a good opportunity today and I am pleased about that one. They do not come around very often, so I grab them when I can. My family and I are doing great. We got to see my mother's brothers a few weeks ago when they brought me the couches that she had been trying to give to me for quite some time now. I have not seen them in several years, and they enjoyed talking with the boys who behaved perfectly except for getting out all of their stuffed animals and pilling them on the couch. I have gotten the house clean up pretty good I guess. I am hoping that I can keep it that way. Housecleaning just does not make me go head over hills. Well, I guess that I am making this blog like a journal for myself. I had previously had no idea on what do actually do with this one. I had started a journal on Microsoft Word for several months, but now I guess I can write here. Well, I guess that I will be going for today. Hope that you will continue reading both of my blogs. Enjoy yourselves.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Today Is A Good Day

Expecting to send off for my original birth certificate today. Thank goodness that day has finally come. I am really hoping that I have the names right. The family that I have meet would be my half brother and sister. It would be disappointing to not be their sister for me, but I at least will make three more friends. Their mom as well. I am handling all the anxiety pretty well, because I don't want to get worked up on the possibility that I am wrong. I am continuing to say that I do think about it a lot. Well gotta get going. Talk again soon!!

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Baked Steak and Steak Sauce Recipe

What do you do to have teak at home without a grill or getting one at a restaurant? You bake one silly!! I love old books, and I have a booked called," Complete American Cookbook" By: Stella Standard by The World Publishing Company copywrite 1952 and by Stella in 1957. Wow now that is old. The pages are very golden.

Baked Steak

2 or 3 inch sirloin or porterhouse steak
olive oil
lemon juice
2 tablespoons catchup
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 diced onion
salt and pepper
mushrooms (optional), but I love them

Rub the steak all over both sides with olive oil, lemon juice, and catchup. Lay it in a shallow pan ( I use glass) and cover with the Worcestershire sauce, onion and bits of butter. Bake it 20 minutes at 375 degrees, basting several times (re-coating the meat with drippings). Do not turn it. Eight minutes until it's done, mushrooms may be added. When done, salt and pepper it and lift on to a hot platter. Put butter in the pan, scrape out all the drippings and pour over the steak. As for a meal you can serve it with french fried onions, and mashed potatoes.

I thought that I would add the steak sauce as well.

Steak Sauce

2 tablespoons minced shallots or green onion
1/2 cup red wine
salt and pepper
1/2 teaspoon beef extract
1/4 cup broth or boiling water
2 teaspoons mustard
2 tablespoons butter

Simmer the shallots or onions in the wine for 5 or 6 minutes until reduced to about half. Add all the other ingredients and use with that wonderful steak you made.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

You Tube Debute and The Love of Transformers

My husband has created a video he calls, "Transformer Nemisis Tribute." He has always loved the Transformers ever since he was a child. It was 2000 when he bought his first collecting Transformer. He bought Optimus Prime, just before my oldest son was born. He said that he will pass his collection to them. The collection has grown to over 200 figures in and out of boxes that fill our lovely bedroom. He is also into collecting videos of Transformers T.V. shows. His favorite characters are Star Saber and Dethzaurus from Transformers Victory, a Japanese cartoon. The entire family including myself have grown to love them as well. We would really appreciate if you would watch his "Transformer Nemisis Tribute" video. He is very excited to be on You Tube and would like to see more views. The video works well with the music and he did a great job, plus there is already more in the making. You are always allowed to add comments here as well. Thanks for watching!!!

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My Birthday Day

I had a wonderful birthday. My day started out good. I woke up at 6 am to check email and everything. I still felt tired so I went back to bed until about 9 when Devin woke up. The boys were good today, except for a few times when they just could not leave each other alone.

Most of the afternoon, I was scrambling to get the house clean, because I had called mom to let her know that I needed a babysitter on the 23rd so that I could go to the autism meeting that I had planned on going to for two months now.

Mom said that Ryan wanted to go watch a movie. He's my brother. Just got his first car, but I do not even know what kind it is. Just that it does have one headlight out so they didn't bring it. So we agreed to go out for dinner and a movie for my birthday. She said that she would be back for me to go to the meeting. So I am greatful that she will make two trips for me.

While I was washing the dishes, I had wished that mom would bring me the chairs she had given to me months ago. To my surprise, within an hour he she comes bringing me my chairs for my kitchen table. Yipppeeee I got my birthday wish. LOL.

So what movie did we see? The Knowing. It was a good movie, but having to sit so close was torture on the eyes. Especially mine since I am sensitive to lights. I had to cover my ears a few times because it was so loud. I have sound sensitivities as well. To bad for me.

Well, guess I had a pretty good 29th birthday! Would also like to say happy birthday to my Uncle Bobby who had a birthday on the 20th. The day before mine. Usually, we celebrate them together when we are together. We did this a lot when I was a kid and the last time we did, I was turning 15. Been a long time Uncle Bobby, so I hope that you had a good birthday as well.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Adoption Findings and Our Update

Hey Friends, how are you all doing? We are all doing wonderful here. I just wanted to let you know that after 29 years, I found the ex wife of my birth father, who has confirmed that I am his daughter. She has said that I have is eyebrows, and that Devin my youngest son looks just like him. I am happy that we have finally made some progress on finding my birth parents. They are Gus Lapthorne and Rosalee (Dodd) Davidson. I wish that one of them would contact me, but for the mean time I am happy with what I do know.

Have you ever searched your name on the computer to see what you will find out. I bet you would be amazed at all the places that your name shows up on. Try it out and see what you can come up with. That is why on my other blog, Autism and The World Around Me, I put in a text box saying who I was looking for. Then when someone searched either one of their names, I came up as well. That is how she had found me. Awesome I think.

We had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day, and my husband would also wear green on this day. WOW never thought that he would do that one. We saw a lot of green that day, and I even got a gift box from Izea. It had a t-shirt in it, with other goodies. Thanks for the present Izea. It was so filled up with lots of green things and I enjoyed hanging the necklaces in my house. LOL.

We are still waiting on glasses for us to see. I hope that we will get them soon. These contacts are really bothering me, so therefore, I am impatient and wanting them today... guess I'll have to wait though. The boys are coloring velvet pictures that their case manager brought them this morning. I am enjoying the quiet time while I think to write.

I caught a video of Devin riding his scooter the other day, and I was amazed at the pattern of riding that he had. He would do the same thing over and over again. Silly boy!!

Well, the kids are about done coloring so I guess I'll get going as well. Hope you have a great day and come back soon.

Love you all,
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Friday, March 13, 2009

At this moment questions

I picked this up from my friend Demcy. You can grab it as well. Thanks Demcy for posting. Here is mine:

(The answers to the questions below must be based on "at this moment.")
  1. Where is your cellphone - I don't have one
  2. Your hair - long
  3. Your father - lives in New Mexico
  4. Your favorite thing - my blogs
  5. Your dream last night - don't believe that I had one
  6. Your favorite drink - Dr. Pepper and Coffee lol
  7. Your dream goal - to go on vacation at least once
  8. The room you are in - living room blogging
  9. Your fear - water
  10. Where do you want to be in 6 years - living the good life
  11. Muffins - Blueberry or strawberry
  12. One of your wish list items - a home of our own
  13. Where you grew up - West Texas
  14. The last thing you did - blogged to make a few bucks
  15. What are you wearing - pants and short sleeves. Kind of warm here.
  16. Your TV - LG 32" LCD HD
  17. Your pets - none.. have a child that is allergic to dogs and cats
  18. Your computer -HP desktop
  19. Your life - hectic but fun
  20. Your mood - happy but tired
  21. Missing someone - my friends and family that I don't see much
  22. Your car - Chevy Blazer
  23. Favorite store - Dollar Store hahaha
  24. Your summer - probably going to Nort Carolina
  25. Your favorite color - blue
  26. When was the last time you laughed - When I answered question number 23 lol again
  27. When was the last time you cried - when I was missing my best friend
  28. Last person who emailed you - my friend Sandy Lee
  29. Your favorite food - Noodles and rice
  30. A place you would rather be right now - in the bed lol
Well, hope that you enjoyed it. I got a laugh out of it, and maybe you will to.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Angel Hair Pasta with Lemon and Garlic

I have this cookbook called, " In The Kitchen With Rosie." It is a 1994 book by Rosie Daley, and they are Oprah's favorite recipes. The publisher is Alfred A. Knopf New York.

Angel Hair Pasta with Lemon and Garlic

1 teaspoon olive oil
2 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 cup chopped tomato (1 medium tomato)
4 ounces dried spinach angel hair pasta
4 ounces dried semolina angel hair pasta
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
2 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Freshly ground black pepper to taste

Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat and maintain at a boil. Put the olive oil and garlic in a saute pan and cook over medium heat just until the garlic begins to brown. Remove the saute pan from the heat and purt in the wine. Retur n it to the heat. Cook for another 1 to 2 minutes, until the wine has been reduced by half. Stir in the lemon juice and tomato. Remove the pan from the heat. Place the pasta in the boiling water and cook to desired doneness, 30 seconds to 1 minute. Drain the pasta and put it into a warm serving bowl. Add the basil, Parmesan cheese, and black pepper, along with the tomato mixture. Toss and serve immediately.
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fever A Family Update

The weekend was terrible for the boys. Devin was outside for about an hour on a sunny day just a day after having his eyes dilated, which was worn off by now. He came inside and ended up falling asleep sitting upright. He was asleep for a good three hours and then woke up with a 103 degree fever. This was as if his body could not release the suns heat and gave him a fever for three days. Tylenol and a thermometer got us through the weekend.

I kept Devin home because he was still running a fever and Eddie went to school, then we had a problem. He was too warm with a 101 degree fever and a headache. When we picked him up he was crying/whimpering and holding his head. When he came home, we downed the Tylenol and sent him to the couch. He slept for just a little while. He is still running fever even at midnight when he woke up feeling bad again. His temperature did not change. As of this morning, his temperature is 100 degrees. He is laying on the couch watching G.I.Joe, and trying to rest.

Unexplained fevers. We seem to have quite a few fevers that just tend to pop up. So unlucky on that end.

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Friday, March 6, 2009

Envisioning A Bright Future By Patricia Lemer

"Envisioning A Bright Future" is a wonderful addition to your library. The book is edited by Patricia Lemer who is the national director of Developmental Delay Resources. Her book is about interventions that work for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders.

There are many approaches when it comes to the causes of autism. Is it vaccines, environmental, a "total overload", or genetics? This book takes a look at all of the possibilities that is backed by support from numerous scientific literatures. Removing toxins and allergens, adding nutrients to the rid the body of toxins, and buying dye-free medications is a start. Adding a special diet can be productive in changing an over sensitive person reactions.

Various therapies that are explained include vision therapy since more and more optometrists are seeing patients with autism spectrum disorders who can have significant vision problems. The book explains how an optometrist can help an autistic person, by using lenses and probing. Adding other therapies as well will aid in the productivity of living life with autism spectrum disorders.

This book is the perfect addition and will help explain autism spectrum disorders, their symptoms, and treatment options to you. I have really enjoyed reading this book, because there is so much reliable information that you will need to take notes when reading. I hope that you will purchase this book as a guide to autism spectrum disorders, their causes, and treatment options. Happy reading and I will end with a quote from Patricia Lemer:

"Human function is incredibly complex because the various senses are interrelated. When an environmental impact (perhaps food dyes, heavy metals like mercury, or dairy in the case of a food allergy) impairs one of the senses, a domino effect occurs, which impairs other senses. a clear example of this is when babies have ear infections. This infection ( and the drugs used to treat it) can disturb the vestibular system in the inner ear (which controls balance). The vestibular system works with language center of the brain that control the eyes, the part of the brain that controls emotion (the lymbic system), as well as the digestive tract. So, this environmental impact (additives, heavy metals, allergens) can lead to problems in any of these areas: hearing, vision, emotions understanding, speaking and the ability to pay attention."

Please check out Optometric Extension Program Foundation, Inc. as well.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Places Were I Make Money Blogging myspace graphic comments
Myspace Animated Graphics

Every blogger wants to earn money with the time that they put in to their hobby. Now you can to. I am giving you the links to where I have accounts at. Hope to see you at one of them. Sign up at one of my two blogs and you will be helping me out as well. Good luck and hope you will join the marketing business.

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Blog must be up to 60 days old and have about 30 post in order to have your blog approved.

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Monday, March 2, 2009



1. What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch Dressing

2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Hate eating out.

3. What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of? Rice4. What are your pizza toppings of choice? Pepperoni

5. What do you like to put on your toast? butter and jelly or peanut butter and syrup


1. How many television sets are in your house? 4

2. What color cell phone do you have? I don't have one.

3. Do you own a laptop? No

4. Do you own an ps3? Yes

5. What kind of cellphone do you have? Don't have one.


1. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right-Handed

2. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Teeth hehehe..

3. Have you ever had any surgery? Yes for kidney stones

4. How much do you weigh? 135 lbs.

5. How tall are you?5 ft. 7 in.


1. Favorite season? Summer

2. Favorite holiday? Christmas, Halloween, Easter

3. Favorite day of the week? Saturday and Sunday

4. Favorite month? June nice and warm

5. Favorite brand of chocolate?Hersey's


1. Currently missing someone? My birthparents

2. Current mood? Headache

3. Currently listening to? The heater

4. Currently watching? The computer screen lol

5. Currently worrying about? Nothing I guess. That is good for me.

Rose had this on her blog and I thought that I would do the same. Thanks Rose, it was fun. If you would like to do one, just copy and paste, then fill in your own answers. Enjoy and have fun with it.

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Page Ranks Going Down Here Is a Recipe

A day to complain alright. Bloggers are dealing with Google Page Ranks being slashed. They hit my blog this morning. So sad. I've heard that they were doing checks, so maybe that is what is going on. All of my friends are having difficulties on way or the other. Not a good sign for business. Time to go digging in the recipe book and posting recipes up to share. Like this one:

A friend of mine sent this recipe to me, and I thought that I would share it with you.

GFCF Bread
3 eggs room temp
3 table spoons oil
1 1/2 cup of water, room temp
1 cup rice flour
1/2 cup potato starch flour
1 cup garbanzo bean flour
1/4 cup tapioca flour
3 table spoons brown sugar, or white we just like the brown best
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
2 1/2 tablespoons rapid rise yeast
4 teaspoon xantha gum

Place wet ingredients in bread maker first, then dry, and yeast last. Set for short cycle, or rapid rise cycle. If you don't have a short cycle, use regular yeast for longer cycles or the bread will fall from too much heat time on the rapid rise yeast. Freeze sliced bread on a cookie sheet. When individual slices are frozen, put into a bag and store in the freezer, take out and thaw as needed.

Bread...makes a 2 lb loaf in a bread machine. I also use this to make hamburger buns and deli type bread. Just take it out once the dough has finished and before it bakes. It will be just about impossible to touch, so use a big spoon to dip out and put globs on a cookie sheet, size depending on if you need rolls or buns. Bake at 375 until hollow when thumped and golden brown.

Well, guess I'll be seeing you all around. Take care and keep on reading.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Salmonella Reaches 666 Plus

One of the biggest outbreaks has sickened 666 people and is continuing to rise according to health officials. The peanut butter recall has affected 2, 100 products, and has killed 9 people according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). King Nut has closed two factories in Texas and in Georgia after investigations had led to them for the contamination of the peanuts in which the peanut butter for the products was made. Two hundred companies have recalled products in the past. FBI officials in Atlanta and Virginia said earlier this week they had joined the FDA in a criminal investigation of the company. Members of Congress have pledged to reform the FDA's food inspection program. Stay safe out there everyone.

FDA Salmonella Typhimurium Outbreak 2009. Flash Player 9 is required.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

LA Sheriff Could Be Letting Inmates Go

Imagine letting inmates go free due to budget cuts. That is what is happening to Los Angeles jails today. A possibility of 4,000 inmates and other workers could be leaving facilities. Sheriff Lee Baca hasn't finalized any plans yet, but is looking to close two of the jails if needed. He talks about his plans in the article. I guess that you have to do what you have to do when it comes to budgeting inmates. It is sad to have to see them close if that is what this will all resort to. Just hope that they will plan everything out correctly and hopefully not have to loose the jails.

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Myspace Good Day Comments & Graphics

Stimulus Breaks and Your Taxes

Wondering what your taxes will look like after the stimulus breaks. Well, I've got the article for you. Average savings could be $1,179.00, but depends on marital status and children as well. There is a tax saving guide in the article as well. Hope you will take a look at it. This article is filled with useful information on your taxes so get on over there and read up to see how you will fair for this stimulus break and others. You will see how much you will be saving this year on your taxes. Hope it's more than mine. LOL

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Still Confused

Well, I am still confused on what I want to do with this page, so please forgive me. One day I will figure out my other interests. I am still trying to get my thought process in order to find something of interest to me. So bear with me while I figure out this issue. I am not really sure what I am interested in, but I like to dig through articles and find things interesting. Maybe I can do something like that. I am not wanting this blog to really have a subject since it is my place for fun. So well see where we go from here. Wish me luck, and if you have any ideas then let me know.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pictures From Computer

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Saturday To You

Just thought that I would wish you a Happy Saturday and let you enjoy this picture. I love fairies and things mystical.

Saturday Comments & Graphics

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Just For Today

Well, here I go again, not writing over here. Thought about dressing it up over here. Blogging has been slow this week, with nothing of much interest going on. I need to get a basic idea of what I want to over here. I have thought about poems, but I have not written one of those in ten years. The last one that I wrote was graduation day 1999. It was a war poem... sadly it was. Just three months later September 11 happened. I have felt at time that I had predicted something bad, and I was expressing my sadness of wartime in the beginning. If I can hunt it down I might put it up one day. it just feels odd to me to have that sort of thing happen. Well, guess I'll get going to see that alert again.

Monday, February 16, 2009

What We Are Doing Today

Well, how are we today? Doing good I guess. Will be taking the boys to the doctor again today for a check up and to get occupational therapy for them at school for their handwriting and what not. Then I have to go to the school and meet with Eddie's teacher. Wonder what that will be about. He had threatened to hurt another little girl one day. He was off of his medicine for a few days, so it was obviously causing problems. We had a good Valentine's Day. I got an animal that sings You Wild Thing. A single white rose, and a perfect card. Devin got G.I. Joe toys and Eddie got another Transformer. Him and his dad loves Transformers. You should see my husband's collection. Our son has a great collection as well. They have always loved them. When my husband was small, it really took to the idea of Transformers. Once I was preg. with our first son, he started collection them again. I wanted him to come up with something for me about them, but he hasn't gotten to it yet. Hopefully I can get him to soon. Well, guess I'll go check that autism search for my other blog. See you around.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Autism Is Yahoo's 10th top searches of the day

That is right. Wow. I've seen it on there several times in the past. However, it seems to be a popular thing right now considering that I had 100 visitors on my blog that is only 5 months old. That is good for me. There are a lot of things going on with autism right now, and I am hoping that I will be able to keep up with it all for you on my other blog. Have a great day and I'll write more tomorrow. If I can get away from autism for a while...hehehehehe

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Best Friend

I had a best friend in high school and we got separated after she had married and left school. I got lucky one day and found her email id, and thought that maybe she would be on Yahoo. Sure enough, she was. I am really glad that I got back in touch with her. I miss her so much, to bad that she lives half way across the ocean. I will see her again one day I hope. She was like a sister to me and was always there for me through the rough times that I had a home. I was going through so much that I didn't want to go through any of it. She always believed in me when no one else would. Thought that I was beautiful when others just made fun of me. She said that I was smart eventhough I felt dumb. She was the only person who accepted me for who I was and not because of the way I looked or where I was from. I feel sad sometimes because she is not around, but she will always have a place in my heart for her friendship. So I send out a hug to you and a few tears on your shoulder. I am very close to my true friends and wish that they were only closer so that we can do things together with our kids. She is pregnant with her daughter, and I'm so happy for her. She wanted to have a girl, and she got her wish. She also has a son. Please take care of yourself and don't work to hard. Thank you Becca for always believing in me.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Best Answer

From time to time, I find myself hanging out in Yahoo Answers trying to help others and spread the word about the Feingold Diet. I wanted to share with you my best answer question. It is located here.

She has a 9 year old boy with ADHD, and his behavior is just out of this world. I introduced the Feingold diet to her and my autism blog. I just really hope that she will follow and see how much it really does work. My two boys are on it, and they are doing wonderful.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

One Down...How many more to go?

I went to the dentist yesterday and had my wisdom tooth pulled. What an experience that was...totally painless. And we all thought that the dentist chair was something to be scared of. One look into my mouth, and I'm surprised that the dentist didn't say you poor girl. He felt the pain that I had by gritting his teeth as he looked at all the other ones. He kept on counting extraction on this one, and this one, and this one. Oh my, how many gotta go? I'd say most of the ones on the top. A few might be able to be saved, but it won't be many. Now I am headed to the surgeon for the rest of them to be taken out. I'm not worried about it, because it has to be done. Not sure how long it will take before I can get in. I go back to the urologist on my kidney come April to see if there is anything that we can do on this end of the line. Wish me luck in the future with all of this mess that is going on with my body. It's ok though, I'm not hurting from yesterday, and I feel great today except for feeling a little sleepy from all those medications that I am on. I'll be glad when it is all over....

Monday, February 2, 2009

Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day

I always like to see the groundhog on Groundhog day. Here is what he had to say. Isn't he cute. Here he is with Ben Hughes, handler of the weather-predicting groundhog Punxsutawney Phil. Wow what a name, I added the Wikipedia search on his name for past predictions. He looks like a charming big groundhog. I find their little faces so adorable. Hope you will enjoy knowing if we have a long or short winter. He just puts a smile on my face. 

Will Be Working On This Page

Hello how are you doing? I have decided to make this page take off like my other one is, but it will take some time as you probably already know. I've been caught up working on my other site and kind of neglected to get things up and running over here. Please accept my apology and keep coming back to read more of what I like to read about. 

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why Your Child Is Hyperactive

Well, it's early in the morning so I thought that I would write something over here. I've been working so hard on my other blog. I'm not feeling to good today. Kidney's are acting up AGAIN; not to mention an infection to go along with it. I haven't been to the doctor yet, but may end up going before to long. I've got to go to the dentist soon as well as the eye doctor. I've turned on the music from my yahoo messenger, to boost my mood a little. I had a bored feeling yesterday, and I hope that will change today. I went to the library yesterday and picked up a book by complete luck. It is the original book from Ben Feingold. Why Your Child Is Hyperactive. I've been telling others about the diet on my other page, and I am so glad that I did find the book. I've read Jane Hersey's version, Why Can't My Child Behave?. Dr. Feingold's book is a really good one that tells the history of the Feingold Diet, and his experiences with children and their families. You can buy the book at Just go over to my other page and click on the book covers to take you there. Hope you will put your hard earned money into these wonderful books at an affordable price they can be yours. Guess I'll be going for now. Byeeeeeeeeee

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just doing some work here .
Things just aren't working right around here today.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Can you help this family?

Good evening readers. How are you all? I'm doing very good lately. Eddie didn't have a very good morning though. He is hard to wake up to get ready for school in the mornings. This morning he woke up fighting as I tried to wake him up. He still has his times of complete breakdowns. His dad got on to him pretty good for accidental kneeing me in the nose. He's not happy when he wakes up either, but that is understandable. Keeping Eddie's violent reaction to being over stimulated or bothered has become a big problem. He has been taking an antibiotic for pharyngitis that is a lovely orange color. You know what that means red and yellow dyes to make the orange. I should have asked the pharmacist to see if there was any dye-free, but knowing me I forgot. Something is really bothering him, and I'm not sure what it could be... his diet, colors, or the Vyvanse he is on for ADHD. His therapist had said/wondered if the medicine was aggravating his autism symptoms. I feel like I'm at a dead end when it comes to his emotions. He has an inner-hatred for others at home, and is always in trouble when he displays symptoms of autism. Any suggestions on this one? He is also easily irritated. I'm just not sure how to help him to feel inner peace around others. We just aren't able to provide the necessary treatment that he needs, as well as my youngest. I've wanted them to see a DAN doctor, but he doesn't accept our insurance coverage, so I guess I'm left with nothing else. Putting them on a GFCF diet is a lot harder than one might think for this family. Even so, I'm not sure if I should without tests being done, or I haven't found the resources here to get it done. I was told that they may be able to see a dietician, but what can really be done; I don't know. So I continue my search for any possibilities that maybe out there in a town of about 35,000 people. If you can help me out here then please do so. We are almost desperate to find some kind of help for them. See you all again soon, and remember to visit Autism And The World Around Me.

Decision to make this blog work for me as well

I've thought about keeping this blog private, but changed my mind. I am hoping that it will create more traffic for my other blog as well. I'll be doing adjustments to it like adding all my feeds, and blog catalogs and other things. Please be patient while I get this done. May take until Monday or so. It is always a busy Friday and weekend here. I am doing good by the way, but wish I had more time to get some things done and enjoy myself. Now it is just time to get the boys up and ready for school. See you all around here and there. Take care of yourself and remember safety first.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

If you view this blog, please become a follower as well. It's been a slow day today and I've had no one to talk to so I've been listening to music all day. The house isn't too dirty so I'll finish it up later. I've been feeling physically ill lately because I've been drinking to many mountain dews. Yeah you know Yellow. No. 5. It makes me feel HORRIBLE when I drink too many. UGH!!!

Our Day

Well, I got my posts up for my main blog. I'm happy about that. I had written them last night and got up early this morning to get one done. Once the kids were at school, I finally got the other one done. Guess I'm feeling good today. I've got my music going on yahoo messenger, so I feel much happier. I really haven't listen to much music since high school, so now I am trying to get back into that. The boys have pharyngitis and are on antibiotics again. I allowed them to stay home one day, but felt they should at least try to go some this week, or they would be overwhelmed with homework; especially Devin. His teacher gave us SEVERAL worksheets to do for homework this week. I really hope that I can get him to do them tonight. He usually won't do homework because he gets very frustrated with it, and ends up in a complete meltdown. Little Eddie is having problems with brother upsetting him; however, Eddie is just highly sensitive to his surroundings and environment. Yesterday, he was having to ride to the post office so dad can mail off stuff, and he was just out of this world with patience. Devin was also and just wanted to go home after school. I just had to try my best not for them to start fighting in the truck, even though Eddie did kick Devin and hurt him . He just wanted Devin to quit crying to go home.God I wish it was a three rowed seater so I can separate the two of them. Oh wow what a day that was.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Something about me I guess

I would like to thank all my readers of Autism And The World Around Me. You have been very loyal to my blog, and I wish it was more exciting, or at least more visited by others. This blog; however, is my vision of how I live and how I'd like to live within myself. I want this to be my happy place where I can feel at peace with myself and have fun. It's something I feel I deserve for all my hard work. This is a place where you can get to know me better, and see the world as I do. I love having everyone here as friends and I hope by doing this we can know more about each other. Me and my groupies that can also have a place here through your comments. So please do so, so I can feel connected to my friends. With me suffering from mental illness, it causes me to feel alone in such a huge world. Seeing communication with my online friends puts a smile on my face. I am one of the most understanding person who tries to help anyone that needs it. I am a very emotional person who has trouble controlling them, but my medication helps with all that. I am on Lexapro, Abilify, and Trazodone. Last summer, I was so wound up over my nerves that I would have stomach problems everyday. Boy that wasn't fun!! All I wanted to do was scream, and all I could do was to cry for help. I finally got that help and now I feel so much better.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally My Own Place

I created this blog for myself to come and tell how I am feeling day to day. Hope you will enjoy reading it. It will be for my friends only. For today, I feel good. Nothing seems to be bothering me today, and I am glad of that. Husband is at school, but I had to make Ed get off the computer so I could get something done today. I've been thinking about this for some time, and now I finally got it done. I suffer from PTSD, Dysthymia, and GAD. I wanted to have a journal for this, and now I am making this blog my journal.

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